Sunday 4 November 2012

Thing 1

Thing 1 has been good even though I was unable to do the course from work and it's been hard to find time at home. I get in from work and getting to grips with new skills is the last thing on my mind. I'm about a month behind but I suppose one of the great things about the course is that it has been easy to catch up today and I think that taking my time and mooching around the resources will be a real benefit not only to my library work but also to my development and future. I think that my 12 things may happen just after, rather than before Christmas. I'd like to get a little more creative and make the layout of my blog more user friendly and pleasing on the eye with imagery in the future, need to dust off my camera methinks.

I do think a basic corporate blog disseminating basic library information would be very useful for library users.

Adding RSS feed

I really enjoyed adding my first rss feed to the blog.  I thinking this could be really useful.

I wonder why I'm doing this course?

To update my knowledge abour social media and learn new skills if I can find the time......

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Looking at templates and layout, this is quite fun now I'm away from the Trust network. Will have another potter later, maybe use some pictures. Enough for the time being, there is a bowl of noodles with my name on it.
Trust  IT certainly doesn't like Blogger, will have to try this later from home!


Mmm hopefully I will be able to start blogging now?